Print this page to save it as a PDF and send it to your collaborators. When you select the PDF option, a PDF that contains thumbnail images and QR codes for the Panorama Set and all the panoramas automatically opens in your web browser. You can obtain per-panorama QR codes from the Web Drive in the form of a PDF or ZIP file. When the QR code is scanned or the hyperlink is clicked, the Panorama Set automatically opens the specific panorama. If you want to share a specific panorama in a Panorama Set, you can use per-panorama QR codes and hyperlinks. Once the website is published, the Presentation or Panorama Set appears in a responsive inline frame (iframe). Paste the HTML embed code into a website page.

Under Embed, click the Embed Code button to copy the HTML embed code to your computer's clipboard. To embed Presentations and Panorama Sets in a website: Send the QR code image in an email or text message.